Synopsis: Vagrant Story is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square for the PlayStation video game console. The game was released in 2000, and has been re-released through the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita consoles.
Mode: Single-player video game
Composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto
Genres: Action role-playing game, Japanese role-playing game, Entertainment, Fantasy, more
Designers: Yasumi Matsuno, Akihiko Yoshida, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Hiroshi Minagawa, more
Developers: Square, Square Enix
Platforms: PlayStation, PlayStation Portable
Publishers: Square, Square Electronic Arts, Square Enix
Skeleton is an enemy from Vagrant Story. Skeletons are weak undead and can be easily defeated by attacking them with blunt weapon. They can be instantly killed by using the Warlock spell Exorcism.
Sydney Losstarot (sometimes called "Lord Sydney Losstarot" by his followers) is the established main antagonist in Vagrant Story. He is both the leader of the powerful Mullenkamp cult and a self-professed prophet who preached about human weaknesses and the end of the world.
Vagrant Story is available to play Online. This game is in the US English version at exclusively. Play online PlayStation Games on desktop PC, mobile, and tablets in maximum quality. If you enjoy this Online Game on DUDDELAS then you will also like similar Games on DUDDELAS.