Synopsis: X-Men vs. Street Fighter is a crossover fighting video game developed and published by Capcom. It is Capcom's third fighting game to feature Marvel Comics characters, following X-Men: Children of the Atom and Marvel Super Heroes, and is the first installment in the Marvel vs. Capcom series.
Initial release date: 9 September 1996
Mode: Multiplayer video game
Developer: Capcom
Genres: Fighting game, Beat 'em up
Platforms: Sega Saturn, Arcade game, PlayStation
Publishers: Capcom, Virgin Interactive
Series: Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom
X-Men vs. Street Fighter is available to play Online. This game is in the US English version at exclusively. Play online PlayStation Games on desktop PC, mobile, and tablets in maximum quality. If you enjoy this Online Game on DUDDELAS then you will also like similar Games on DUDDELAS.